Find a Bill and it's status
Search for bills by bill number, author, chief author, statutory citation, and by keyword in the bill's description.
Bill status information includes the companion bill number, authors, a short description of the bill, a list of actions taken on the bill to date, and a link to the full text of the bill.
NOTE:The searching feature does not search the full text of individual bills, just the short descriptions. To search within the text of a bill, use the 'find' feature of your browser.
Follow the Legislation through the process
What items will be discussed on the floor today (Daily orders of business)
What items will be discussed at committee meetings today and this week (Schedules)
Summary of what happened on the floor for a particular day (Journals)
You can also see the journals to find out how each legislator voted.
Summary of activity during a particular week
These publications include overviews of committee hearings.
Bill summaries
House -- Staff from the House Research Department, the non-partisan research and legal services office of the House of Representatives, summarizes significant and/or lengthy bills.
Senate -- Staff from Senate Counsel and Research, the non-partisan research and legal services office for the Minnesota Senate, summarize selected bills.
Committee information
Some House Committees and Senate Committees have Web sites.
Find out when a Bill has been signed or vetoed
Chapters and Resolutions - A list of all bills passed and sent to the Governor, including dates when they are signed or vetoed.
The legislative Library maintains lists of bills vetoed since 1939.
Still having trouble finding the information you need?
For House bills, call or e-mail House Index 651-296-6646
For Senate bills, call or e-mail Senate Information 651-296-2887 or 888-234-1112