
AMA District 23 Chartered Club

Norsemen Motorcycle Club

Proud sponsor of quality AMA sanctioned off-road events in Minnesota

Lucky Bastard Dual Sport Mora Enduro Trollhaugen Hare Scrambles

Lucky Bastard Dual Sport

Dual Sport is a type of motorcycle riding which is a mix of private & forest service roadsand off road trails connected with the use of roads. Dual Sports are suitable for those who desire to develop skills without the pressure to keep-up with the pack. Trails range from two track, gravel, minimal pavement, and single track sections.

Event Date: October 6, 2024

Coming soon

Mora Enduro

The Norsemen Motorcycle Club has been sponsoring the Mora Enduro in the Snake River State Forest for over 65 years! This Enduro is the only time you can ride the trails in this forest, don't miss it! July 21, 2024 for the Main Enduro and a Youth Enduro July 20, 2024 paying Youth Cross Country Series points.

Trollhaugen Hare Scrambles

This Hare Scrambles is held at the Trollhaugen Outdoor Recreation Area in Dresser, WI. The course includes a woods course and  moto track. Don't miss out on the fun June 30, 2024!

Trollhaugen Memorial Race Track in Dresser, WI will be rocked for this legendary, once a year spectacle! The infamous Area 51 will give riders thrills and chills as they try to conquer the hills at the Troll. Four races for riders of every age, size and ability.

Cambridge Hare Scrambles Minnesota 300 Adventure Ride Mora Enduro TT Flat Track Trollhaugen Hare Scrambles
themed object
Over 65 years sponsoring quality events
get in touch

Norsemen Member Banquet

RSVP by Friday February 14, 2025

Mark Vanderwerf

The Banquet will be held saturday February 22, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. at ProKART Indoor Racing. Get all the information HERE

Great Norsemen Motorcycle Club Events coming up for the 2025 season:

NEW Dual Sport May 2 - 4, 2025

Brand new course and area. Information will be posted when everything is finalized. Mark your calendar you won't want to miss it!

Get all the current information about the event.

AMA & D23

AMA and District 23 ARMCA memberships can be bought online. Please take advantage of this especially with the delay of the season, it dramatically increases the speed of event sign-up. AMA Membership is $49.00 for individual, $29.00 for Youth and $20.00 for a One Day. We encourage you to get that paperwork in advance. AMA JOIN

AMA Membership New or Renewal

District 23 ARMCA

D23 Membership is $50.00 at the event or $45.00 if you enter online

The district has set up a one day Mora Enduro online entry if you don't have a D23 membership.

One Day Competition District Membership


AMA offers a Card to save you time and effort

For some time now, the AMA has offered to both minors and adult racers the Annual Release Verification Card. This allows the adult racer to skip the multi forms at sign up. It allows all minor racers the opportunity to skip the two sided Minor Release which requires the presence of BOTH parents at sign-up as well.

The card is free, and is issued when the Competition Membership card has either been purchased or renewed for the entire racing year. The form requires notarization of some signatures. Most banks and UPS Stores offer notary services for free or a nominal fee.

**Be sure to print the form in color, some of the wording is printed in RED and the AMA requires that and will not accept black & white. If you cannot print in color, please call AMA Organizer Services at 614-856-1900 and request an original color form be set to you via U.S. mail.

Norsemen Motorcycle Club Military Service

Norsemen Motorcycle Club is quite proud of our members who serve our military current and past. When you see them please thank them for their service.

Norsemen MC Members Serving the Military
Andrea A Navy 2021-Present  
Cody D MN Army National Guard 2014-Present  
Jim A Navy 1990-2014 Desert Shield/Desert Storm & Operation Iraqi Freedom
Jim G Air National Guard & U.S. Air Force Reserve 1980-1985  
Doug D Navy 1989-1994  
Ron G Army 1970-1973 Korean


The AMA RAMP Insurance Program is an annual accident insurance plan that ranges from $155 - $345. All members of the AMA are eligable for coverage. Benefits are paid when a member has elected coverage and paid the required premium and then suffers a covered loss while taking part as a registered rider in an AMA amateur or road sanctioned event.

AMA RAMP Insurance Program Enrollment and Information

Google Calendar

Check out the Google calendar for all the D23 Off-Road events. You can save it to your calendar, get directions to events and trail boss contact information all in one place.

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Join or renew AMA membership today!